Spirits of Place
Revelation in the Sacred Landscape
Spirit Images
In Sacred Spaces
When I first began engaging with forgotten spaces I carried a camera with me to record my own awakening experience in these environments that were then new to me. I was documenting my path and it was not my intention to record or share the work. But on revisiting the photographs over a period of years I began to see secondary images present within the smoke of the offerings. This became a large collection of images of surprising range and complexity.
As a scientist this was challenging, but as a healer it was an affirmation of the work.
With twenty years on this path I have had time to consider it from many angles, considering the possibilities of revelation, reflection, or delusion. I have come to the conclusion that the images are real and timely, many of a universal importance and some of a personal nature.
They are specific, relevant, and inspired.
Summer Solstice Sunrise, 2012
Summer Solstice Sunrise, 2012
Summer Solstice Sunrise, 2013
Summer Solstice Sunrise, 2014
The Magic of the Smoke
Although it is possible to feel a presence and message within our subtle bodies, it is difficult to perceive an image across space and time. It is in one point of perspective such as a lens reveals that the images coalesce out of their elements from within a holographic spectrum. The camera effectively reduces the real time experience into a 2D rendering, wherein a graphic convergence is possible, compressed into a planar rendition.
The rising smoke is composed of the four elements. Earth, Wind, Water and Fire, in flow, in the act of becoming. As Light enters the column it reveals a delicate, formless, and mutable medium of instantaneous expression. It is most likely that we are accessing ambient information through this ephemeral state because it is less demanding physically to communicate this way in our time continuum. Perhaps in a time-lapse photograph, other images will come forward that are operating in yet a different reference spectrum than our normal perspective reveals.
As in old tin-type photos, where the subject had to remain motionless to be rendered in focus, the entities appear stiff and stoic, in full front or profile postures.
When asked for a gift to share, the smoke, photographed with a flash in the predawn darkness, revealed a woman with personality, a beaming smile and welcoming eyes communicated love and happiness. A feeling of homecoming.
The smoke is the medium of perception of the interaction, and a reflection of intention. Are the entities revealed there independent of the observer, or intimately connected? Is it the observer’s intention that is revealed projected, or are the entities revealing their presence as part of a larger agenda of Love and reception. Or is it a deception as some would suggest?
The Earth is reaching out, and those who can see and hear its subtle calling in turn may share of it with others as well.
What aspect of our humanity is playing out here?
Apparently there is more present than a single perspective at work. It is not likely that the images are a projection of the observer alone, whose three dimensional perception is limited to one perspective in time. There are many expressions playing out whose presence is trans-temporal, whose work is unfinished, whose presence is still relevant. The intention to appear in the present implies that the continuum is still unfolding, that the work is still to be done, and acknowledges our responsibility to the Great Work as necessary to our success.
Life is the issue. Truth is the fruit. Love is the agenda. First, Last, and Always.