The Long Walk Back
I raise this drum to every heart, this brush to every holiness we reclaim.
This work is the result of relationship with sacred landscapes and the spirits of place, cultivated over decades of connection and manifestation.
It was as if I was led to these places when I was ready to see them, that I might remember my own path, one that has brought me here to this work as we are doing today. This is old knowledge, returned to forgotten spaces that they may be awakened and in use again in our time of need for caring for our beautiful planet.
I have come to this work naturally, with the aid of fellow travelers sensitive to these energies.
I share with you in hope that you will also see this depth of beauty in the natural world and reach out to others who will make the hard choices that await us all, restoring these gifts for generations to follow.
When I was young my gift remained hidden, becoming lost to me as I pursued a career as a scientist and then as an artist. As I enjoyed success as a designer and art director I also did work in television, sailed ships, and assisted research in the Amazon.
It was an accident in a peaceful river in Texas that was the catalyst for an awakening that placed me back on the path to myself and the work I do today, putting me in touch with sacred sites and ancient wisdom from many cultures. I began seeking out mysteries, exploring a new way of seeing and experiencing the world.
One of those practices was a ten year walking meditation in landscapes with potent energies. I walked over seven thousand miles, and repeated hundreds of thousands of prayers for enlightenment, healing, and abundance in the battlefields of the Civil War, The Indian Wars, and on the Cherokee Trail of Tears.
I began to visit energetically rich spaces with the intention of reawakening them, to honor us with their gifts and to rejoin in the work of our time.
The sites themselves are very old, such as stones naturally aligned with the summer solstice sunrise, or great boulders cleft at the same angle of declination as the earth from the sun, located in energetically rich landscapes. I began making offerings in these spaces as part of my own awakening, carrying a camera to document my practice. I made offerings in these spaces and others in the area with different intentions as their focus. Offerings to heal the energy of an abandoned mine, or clearing energies left behind by logging, restoring the energy of ravaged quarries, transforming the assault of weapons of war fired into lakes, restoring balance to areas ravaged by heavy machinery, logging, and hunting. Restoring honor to areas poisoned by noxious trash.
I make offerings of a personal nature as well; offerings for people who are passing over, for the hearts and souls of my life who have assisted me, for those in need of assistance. I also pray for hope and love for the planet, to turn the tide of destruction of the environment and to reverse the trend of abandonment of our role as caretakers. As I pray for peace, for enlightenment, and awakening I also pray for the courage, strength, and the means to carry on in these difficult times.
After accumulating years of images of the spaces and my offerings, one day I noticed a secondary image at the top of a rising column of prayer smoke. An eagle in profile, undeniably clear, was rising with the prayer. In native culture, the eagle is the connection between heaven and earth, the bringer of sight and vision, an emissary of the divine, linking us to everything before us. To my great surprise, there were many such images nested into these photos across years of offerings within these sacred spaces.
Because of the web matrix of earth energies, spaces such as these are unique, but not extraordinary. They occur all around the world. Some have been forgotten and gone silent, but they still remain. This grid of connectivity is the source behind the stone structures that still remain intact scattered about the landscape. They are part of these alignments and tap into the energies of place.
Our planet is a vast canvas realizing different energies in its various locations. As such, it can be said that landscapes have a destiny that they enact and manifest, and some researchers have documented this trend. For example, there are corridors that manifest religiosity and the quest for knowledge, and others that are very grounded, birthing sites of governance, education, or industry, even the energy of the military industrial complex or battlefields.
There is a lot to this work, and I am in no way an expert on all of these aspects. I have however created a series of books about my experience regarding the nature of relationship with the sacred landscape that makes possible and effective the manifestation of the world as we experience it. These books include the nature of offerings as a mutually empowering conduit of intention toward manifestation through prayer, and documentation of the fruit of this work as photographs of spirit entities coming forward in sacred spaces, and stories of affirmations of this work. The audio CDs are stories of the thread of wonder and enlightenment connecting all of my days on this walk to this place I am now. My website, snowonwater.com is also part of this walk in compassion, a gift to share with others who may be seeking meaning in these troubled times.
There are many who work in various modalities, who bring a range of gifts to the work through different traditions. There are others better able to elaborate on the specifics of earth healing and geomancy within sacred traditions. My work with spirit images is unique to my path. It is the gift that was lost to me across all of those early years, but is the work I came to do as part of a larger story of our awakening again to ourselves.
This work is not for everyone, but I believe that its fruits serve us all. This sharing is for those who feel the call to the old ways, that it may be known again, that we may Know, that we may serve.
I invite you to join in any modality to restore our faith in nature and the connections we so desperately need in our lives again.
In Love and Light,

play it! play it!
the moon
filling the drum