The Books
The Offering series
The Offering
The Gift of the Garden
The Garden, The Vine, The Leaf and The Rose
hold keys of awakening to our true selves once again.
The Garden discusses the state of our world today, and our role and that of spirits within it.
It discusses experience as it pertains to living in this world and beyond. It introduces the offering as an exchange of empowerment for ourselves and others, toward bringing about change, and toward dreaming the world we wish for into existence. The second part of the book focuses on the tools of this practice, the energetic nature of landscapes and sacred sites, and their signs and indications.
The Garden is an introduction to the larger world surrounding us and how we interact with it as the dreamers of the world. It is an invitation to healing ourselves and the planet by living in right relationship with all of our fellow spirits and honoring their lives and work. A return to balance and harmony and our birthright bliss. It is an insight into returning to the relationship of our origins as loving hearts by honoring our past, present, and future, fulfilling our destiny of returning to The Garden. An experience of reality where the world is a dream and we are its dreamers. A celebration of the tools of access to higher realms. An insight into the nature of the living landscape. The Garden opens our eyes to the wonder that is everywhere around us as we move through doorways of awareness into our birthright holiness and bliss.
The Vine is a collection of offerings within various landscapes, made for specific effect, on occasions of personal significance and also on auspicious dates in sacred sites for the world at large. It is a collection of images of beauty made in respect for the spirits of place, a record of affirmations of prayers heard and answered, crossing many years and lives.
The Vine is a collection of offerings in sacred spaces. A sharing of a hidden world of communication and relationship with the spirits of place. An awakening to our gifts as the dreamers of our world and to the power
of prayer. A window into another world of possibilities.
Within its beautiful pages are insights into the language of spirits and symbols that transcend time and space opening the doorway to connection and understanding of our place within the hidden spectrum of life. The Vine is a personal journey of connection and reawakening with the spirits of place. Prayer offerings in the sacred landscape
for us all, opening doorways to healing and light. A universal language of symbolism and signs is brought to life in revelations of a larger reality beyond this one, a window to another world that exists within our own a world of
love and light, and hope for the future.
The Leaf is a collection of spirit images responding to my offerings of a personal nature within various settings. The images are revelations of totems, guides, and earth spirits, as well as images of family as an affirmation of prayer’s ability to put us in touch with people, places, and spirits beyond this time in the present. The collection brings into focus convergence and synchronicity across many years and lives. Sometimes crossing millennia, it is a celebration of our important work in the here and now.
A personal collection of images revealing allies, teachers, and guardians in the smoke of prayer offerings. The mysteries of revelation and reflection are apparent in the wide array of spirits coming forward. These images explore
the personal connections and universal truths of prayer. The presence of entities in resonance with our intentions
affirms the presence of others here to assist us in the return to light.
A sharing of a personal journey that we may all awaken to the magic of the world we live in. A world filled with
benevolent spirits bent on assisting us in our return to the Garden.
The Rose is a collection of images of spirit entities coming forward within sacred spaces during offerings for peace, for healing, and love on Solstice and Equinox dates. The archetypal figures speak to us across history and culture, affirming our deeper connections as humans and as a part of the destiny of place, the planet, and our birthright path into enlightenment.
The entities cross a wide spectrum of benevolent spirits coming forward to be seen again in sacred spaces and on high holy days. They have never left us, it is we who will remember to honor them, to engage again, and to rise to our birthright holiness once more.
Is this a reflection of the Muse, the source of art, our own consciousness taking form, or an invitation to a doorway beyond our understanding but still within reach? Many see reflections of their own in these images, revealing that the work is still unfolding, that the visions are still relevant in our lives today