The Old and The New
Meeting Our Challenges
The Old and The New
At The Edge Between Worlds
We have arrived at a time of great confusion, where everything seems upside down.
Across all ages of enlightenment it has been a basic premise that there is reason behind everything. Chaos and coincidence are pale apologists for our existence, and can’t explain the nature of consciousness. Like looking for a drop of water in the ocean, we won’t find it by looking because consciousness is everywhere, part of the fabric of all that we know.
Today, systems we have created and rely on for our survival are failing us. As individuals, and collectively as a planet, we are increasingly vulnerable on a global scale. But we are not unwitting victims of shortsightedness. We have choices that can put us back in touch with simpler times and the grounded practices that bring us a sense of purpose and wellbeing.
It has been said that these times will take both the old ways and the new ways to meet our challenges. Our technology and the worldwide demand that it serves offers us an extraordinary range and depth of knowledge that has been inaccessible to the majority of humanity throughout history. Today the information that we create and share at an exponentially increasing rate is propelling the course of human development into heretofore unimagined possibilities. Let us use these gifts for the greater good, to employ knowledge toward making a brighter world.
May this new knowledge guide us into seeing what we have become blind to.
There are old systems in place that still serve us today. There are remnants of awakened spaces that we can enter again, and there is old knowledge available all around us. We walk among treasures that once served us and our ancestors as living books, as record keepers and wisdom keepers.
This age we share requires that we be awake to what is happening around us. This includes within our environment. Let us awaken to the stories of our past that they may serve us in navigating our future. That we may go forward with purpose and a sense of completing the circles drawn in stone long ago.
Standing Stones set at the edge between worlds tell a different story than those nestled in among their own. They are in touch with the earth and the stars, they embrace the familiar and the unknown, the past and the future. They infuse their environment with insight and foresight. And they become the keystones, benchmarks, and lodestones of cultures aware of their history and prepared for their destiny.
Let us embrace the old ways as well as the new to meet our challenges. To honor our paths collectively and as individuals with a story to tell. Stones tell us that we don’t have to be extraordinary to make a difference, we need only to be present. Use your presence to make a difference while you can. There has never been a better time to make a difference in our world, where any effort is welcomed and needed. Our gift of mobility and the ability to bring about change can inspire extraordinary progress in our world.
We are blessed with the stones who await our arrival, born to carry their knowledge afield, to others who are ready now to hear their message. Today we are the new stones, standing at the edge between worlds, honoring the old way and the new, meeting our challenges.