Hayden’s Dream
The Living Landscape
Hayden’s Dream
It was already dark as we entered the path of the circle. In the ancient riverbed a great Medicine Wheel was drawn into the fresh December snow. At its center rested the Grandfather Drum, beneath it, a Manitou stone from a sacred site in far mountains.
I made the Medicine Wheel for our friends and their son to experience, in acknowledgment of their heritage and connection to the land on this day, the Winter Solstice, the first day of the Native American New Year.
The Medicine Wheel is a calendar. Aligned to the Four Directions, it marks the cardinal points of the compass, and the stages of our lives. It is an evocation of the universal Circle, as well as the number zero, the symbolic emptiness from which all things spring.
We carried a traditional offering of corn, rolling the kernels off one at a time as we walked. On the following day turkeys and crows would come and walk the circle, receiving the offering.
We began our walk at the Eastern Door. Hayden, an eight year old boy with tousled hair and eyes like Hershey’s Kisses, carried the long Lakota sage wand as he led us around the circle. He kept the torch burning for the duration of our walk, as the smoke trailed outward and over us, blessing the land and ourselves as it rose with our prayers.
We stopped at each doorway, acknowledging the part of the circle where we stood. The East is the beginning, the first light, the Eagle, guardian who flies closest to the sun. The South is the prime of our youth, Coyote, the trickster and hard lessons.
In the West we enjoy the fruits of our life’s work and the healing Bear of self reflection guards us there.
And the North brings us to the time of transition. Buffalo represents abundance and prayer there and connection to family and ancestors.
We traversed the perimeter, and at last came full circle, returning to the East.
There we turned to the center to gather around the Drum. A smoke offering arose from atop the white stone, covered in snow, as we sounded together the heartbeat of the earth.
And to dream.
Together, through a child’s eyes, we would dream the world we wish for everyone.
This is how the world has been made since its beginning. Our ancestors have dreamed the world and now even science has brought us full circle to acknowledging that form follows consciousness.
The world is a great dream.
We have relearned that water is an immediate conduit of intention, changing and adapting to our thoughts, feelings, and prayers instantly. We have rediscovered the wonders of crystals, conduits of electricity, and thought, that vibrate, ingest, and store information across ages.
We live in a dream factory.
The earth’s surface is nearly seventy percent ocean, and her mantle, composed of nearly seventy percent sand. Silica, quartz, granite, feldspar, and gneiss, fill bottoms of seas, beaches, deserts, sandstone, and riverbeds, flowing with the dreams that make a world.
We too are composed of water in this proportion, flowing about every corner of this planet‘s surface.
We live in a landscape that is itself magical, infused with the clarity of geometry so perfect
that our mathematics fail to define it. The star tetrahedron, the six-pointed Star of David,
is a two dimensional representation of this proportion, a sort of graphic image of perfection
made manifest in this realm. At one time, this knowledge was kept hidden within the Mystery Schools, as symbols, tools of invocation, are points of contact between realms.
In this sacred landscape are three mountains and three lakes, mapping a perfect star tetrahedron.
Two intersecting triangles create the Masculine of three mountains and the Feminine of three lakes.
There are those today who consider this a Star field, a cosmic point of contact. A healing center of a continent whose sacred geometry is connected to ever larger patterns intersecting across
the region, the continent, and the globe.
This system of sacred geometry is a network, consisting of a web matrix of finer and finer
energy-conducting lines within the mantle.
There are multiple stone structures and water features that are connected by this system of planetary communication, a kind of invisible nervous system.
Stonehenge, stone Calendar sites, temples, the great cathedrals and holy sites have been built
on these energetically focused points where these lines intersect.
Within our own history, certain sympathetic expressions of human intentions have coincidentally appeared along these lines. Avenues of industries, democracies, factories of war,
birthplaces of peace, industries of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and even chocolate lay in sympathetic lines across the landscape.
Along our own are cultural and spiritual centers devoted to raising the consciousness of communities. Churches large and small, synagogues, and other houses of worship are abundant here.
We live in a dream antenna.
As one of one hundred and forty-four points of light around the globe we also live on a unique feature of stone, stretching from valleys to mountains, connecting us to the heartbeat of the continent through the star field, and through the matrix of the web.
As we see and hear the events across the world through technology, others may also experience
our work as well. We are blessed with a medium of communication as vast as a world.
We are not as impotent as we so often feel, but empowered. Not all-powerful, but all-capable,
and we are not alone, we are assisted.
The earth is dreaming with us.
Her heartbeat, a pulse between the poles known as the Schumann Resonance,
has nearly doubled its pace in the past twelve years. The continents, which have drifted slowly for eons across the mantle, are now arranged in a magnificent array of order and power, conducting our thoughts and dreams like crystals and water, an interconnected matrix of order.
We reflect the life of our planet. We manifest her gifts as her beloved children. Is it a wonder that we too have created the internet, using the same tools, silica and light and sound? That we too have created the world wide web? Our technologies and our lives mirror the beauty and potential of this truth.
We are in an age of transmission. A world of building community and order based on freedom and responsibility.
And Dreams.
What is this that we all feel, but seem to have no words for? Many of us have left behind what passes for normal elsewhere to live among these treasures.
And to dream.
We are in an age of transition and today there is a passing of the torch.
The Sage wand, if you will.
From this circle, from this zero, from emptiness spring all possibilities, and miracles are possible.
It had been snowing as Hayden led us around the Medicine Wheel. With the sage torch burning, a small miracle occurred.
A miracle is not the impossible, it is instead more of a wonderful thing, something that might happen in a dream.
As we returned to the Eastern Door, a tiny ring of smoke rose from the wand into the still night
air. A small, perfect thing. A pristine, white ring drifted out above us and lingered there, slowly undulating in the darkness inside the circle of the Medicine Wheel.
Hanging in the light of a flashlight was a wonder from the ashes of a torch. The unbroken circle, both embrace of heritage and preparation for the future.
The ring drifted past each of us and began a slow turning. While remaining unbroken, it twisted into a Möbius Strip, a cosmic figure eight, a symbol of infinite potential across time and space.
It was an affirmation, a kind of currency of contact between us and our higher angels. A gift, a hailing from the spirits of the land.
On this day we joined to raise the consciousness of ourselves, the planet, and beyond. It requires the old and the new, each generation contributing to the dream of a world ready, ever widening, deepening, rising.
As we reached the center of the wheel and lit the offering, white smoke rose around the drum, mixing with our breaths.
As Hayden began his beautiful dream, we struck the drum from the Four Directions,
a heartbeat moved through the snow into the stone beneath it.
Into the field around us, into the water running below ground to the river, passing through the Altar, the Portal, the Star Gate, and into the Star field of mountains and lakes.
It was heard in Canada and the Caribbean and felt on the corn covered volcanoes of Guatemala,
and the mountain peaks of Peru.
Whales sang of it in the ocean trenches and dolphins breached, breathing it into clouds,
snowing on distant mountains.
It was 6:03 PM.
An end to the advance of darkness,
and the journey into light